Thursday, November 6, 2008

VanDyken Sneak-Peak....

I like to put babies in buckets...only for photography of course, but it really is becoming one of my favorite things. I stumbled on this fantastic bucket a few weeks ago at the local antique shop and have absolutely fallen in love with it. This first shot could possibly go down in history as one of my favorites. Oh, the things you can do with a bucket... In any case, I've been pretty busy with a couple of REALLY big projects. Hence the reason why I haven't posted a lot lately. Please forgive me. Sometimes life is a lot like trying to drink water from a firehose and it has just so happened to be one of those types of weeks.

Also, I've had a couple of people ask what the little shape is at the bottom of the images. Truth is, I've been tooling around with a couple of watermarks and trying to figure out which ones I like best. Any ideas?


Robin L Greenslade said...

watermarking is a great idea! why not use your "km" in a large font instead of an image? the km would remind everyone who the awesome photographer is and who the photo rights belong to.

jmho ....

Melissa said...

The kids are gorgeous and you really captured their personalities so well. Thanks for sharing.