Monday, November 24, 2008

So fun with FAMILY...

This holiday kind of snuck up on me. Usually I have plans weeks in advance, but this time...nothing. I don't know if it's been because I've been so INCREDIBLY busy lately with work, or the fact that I was just home a couple of weeks ago. Regardless, here I am. It's Thanksgiving week and I'm not sure what to do with myself. I keep toying with the idea of hopping in the car and driving somewhere completely Hoover Dam for example. (**sidenote** if this weren't a blog that I try to keep somewhat professional, I'd probably use that as a segue to launch into some dam jokes. They're funny. Let's be honest, and even though they may be a little bit childish...well, it's ok.)

Anyways, this past week my sister was able to come up to Utah with her family. It was so great having them here. I absolutely love being around my nephews. The oldest, Logan, has got to be the coolest kid ever. He LOVES music. Especially The Mormon Tabernacle Choir with Sissel singing Christmas carols. It's the best. We got some great pictures of them this past weekend. Here are some of my favorites.


Alisha said...

Awww--this post makes me so happy! I'm so glad to see Tom back with his cute family again. That's great they got to visit you in Utah too. Oh and I will always think "dam" jokes are funny :)